When you lose one or more teeth, it makes it harder to enjoy your favorite foods or to feel fully confident in your smile. Dental implants are generally perceived to be the top option for tooth replacement, providing a second chance at a full, healthy smile. At Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons & Dental Implant Center, we have a proven track record of providing long-lasting dental implants to our patients in Flint, MI and the surrounding community.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is basically just a titanium post, inserted into the jawbone where it functions as a replacement for your natural tooth root. A connective piece known as an abutment is placed onto the implant, allowing us to affix a porcelain or zirconia restoration. This may be a crown, bridge, or denture. The finished restoration is designed to look like a natural, healthy tooth and to provide the biting power you need for full dental function.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are the most advanced and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They are a top option among patients in Flint, MI for a few different reasons.

Dental Implants Actively Preserve Your Jawbone

By integrating with the bone, dental implants act as new tooth roots, providing the ongoing stimulation required to generate healthy tissue growth. This prevents the shrinking and weakening of the jawbone that occurs after you lose one or more teeth and helps you avoid unwanted changes to your facial appearance.

Dental Implants Provide a Strong, Healthy Bite

Additionally, dental implants give your new teeth a degree of strength and stability that closely match those elements of natural teeth, more so than traditional dentures do. Once fully healed, implants will allow you to enjoy your favorite foods as usual.

Dental Implants are Made to Last

Because of their permanent integration with your jaw, as well as the durability of titanium, dental implants are among the longest-lasting tooth replacement options available. Implants are expected to last for at least a decade, but with the right oral hygiene, they could potentially last much longer.

Can You Benefit from Dental Implants?

The best way to determine whether you are eligible for safe, successful dental implant placement is by scheduling a consultation with one of our doctors right here at Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons & Dental Implant Center. Our oral surgeons conduct rigorous evaluations to ensure the right treatment plan for each patient.

The ideal candidate for dental implants:

  • Is missing one or more teeth or anticipates the need for tooth extraction.
  • Does not have any untreated periodontal disease.
  • Has not experienced bone reabsorption or is eligible for bone grafting.

The Dental Implants Process

Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons & Dental Implant Center provides each patient with a personalized treatment plan. Generally, the process for getting dental implants involves a few basic steps.

Initial Consultation

During the initial consultation, your oral surgeon will evaluate your teeth and jaw, review your medical history, and confirm your eligibility for dental implants. This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you have about the treatment process.

Preparing for Surgery

In some cases, you may require preparatory procedures to ensure your mouth is ready for successful implant placement. Examples can include bone grafting or the extraction of non-viable teeth.

The Day of Surgery

When you arrive for dental implant placement at Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons & Dental Implant Center, you will receive a warm welcome and then be led back to a private treatment area. For your comfort and safety, anesthesia is provided. Ensure you have someone who can drive you home following your surgery.

Recovering from Surgery

You will receive full aftercare instructions to ensure your implants heal properly, including dietary guidelines. You can expect some physical discomfort for a couple of days, which can be mediated with over-the-counter pain medications. You will also need to stick with soft foods and liquids for a little while as your implants heal in place.

Completing Your Smile

After a few months, you will return to have your final restoration placed, completing your smile. In the meantime, a temporary prosthesis will be placed.

Why Choose Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons?

At Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons & Dental Implant Center, we are proud to be a trusted name in smile restoration, providing comprehensive implant care for patients in Flint, MI and beyond. Our track record goes back to 1968, and our surgeons boast the highest standards of clinical training and credentialing. We are known for superb patient care and for always promoting comfort and safety, as well as aesthetic outcomes.

Schedule Your Dental Implant Consultation in Flint

Tooth loss does not have to permanently rob you of a healthy, confident smile. Dental implants can provide a second chance at robust oral health. Schedule a dental implant consultation in Flint, MI by calling our practice today. Reach out to Greater Michigan Oral Surgeons & Dental Implant Center to schedule an appointment with us.